Thursday, December 2, 2010

Picture Text

This was another text design were I had to go clip and then set and it terns out like this!
It was alot of fun.

Text Types

These are the first text based vector graphics I did. The first one is smashed text this one was hard because you first had to intersect and then difference this was tricky but fun. The second one was funky text this was a lot of duplicating that was hard but fun.

Monday, November 15, 2010


These are some of the pictures I took first some of them are micro and some of them are landscape.
These were challenging and a little hard but it was fun. Micro was the hardest trying to get it in 

Photoshop collage

This was my collage project this was the first piece of work I did using photoshop.
This was fun because I got to explore what you can do with photoshop.
First we got to go outside and take pictures and then add them to the collage.

Halloween Pumpkin

This was the first vector graphic tutorial I did it was easier because you
got step by step instructions. This was challenging but fun because you could put
it as a desktop background  and have people say wow that looks good.
I had to change settings 3 times but that was cool I had to use intersection allot but also
I had to use union allot as well.All together this was challenging but it was fun!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Cartoon Head of girl

Cartoon Head of girl, originally uploaded by Larissa E. 1999.

This was my version of a girls head which we used object to path to change the object. We also used gradient and just basic path operations.

Fat chicken!!!!!!

final chik, originally uploaded by Larissa E. 1999.

This chicken was a step up from the animal heads. It was hard because you had to use most of the path operations mostly union. But the main focus for this vector graphic was to use the Bezier tool to copy from the other object.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Animal Heads

This was the second animal head I did most of it was using the tool were we had to draw and add a stroke. The whiskers were the hardest but I learnt a lot during this lesson. We did one before but I toke it up a notch and challenged myself and the final object was a seal.

This was the first animal head I did it was of a lion then I decided to make a background and a pond with Lilly pads and blurred them to give them an effect. This lion was lots of fun but it was a good first step for making an animal head.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mr Grandpa

This was the first cartoon head I did.
We were using the intersection alot and also we used the blur tool.
This was a little hard but it helped alot.


This is a heart from our first shining corner effect.
We put tow hearts on top of each other and blurred them both.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


bannanat, originally uploaded by Larissa E. 1999.
This vector graphic was a fun but it was a little challenging when it came to lining the shapes since this was one of my first objects I didn't make it perfect. The main path operation that was used in this picture was union that was tricky at first but once you got the hand of it its just fun.